Publication Date: August 25, 2017

The Drugwatch editorial team creates quality content with integrity, fulfilling our promise to publish trustworthy information to meet consumers’ expectations.

All information published on is provided free of charge. The content is accompanied by the author’s name, a short biography and a list of sources so you know that the information comes from reliable sources.

While Drugwatch’s content is accurate, fact-checked and sourced from medical and legal experts, it is not a substitute for medical or legal advice.

Drugwatch is not a law firm, and our staff cannot give legal advice. But we can connect you with our legal partners. Visitors to can sign up for a free case review to speak with experienced drug and device lawyers from recognized national law firms.

Our partners are top law firms in mass tort litigation. Visitors do not need to use our partners’ services to access Drugwatch resources for free.

When visitors call the phone number listed on a drug or device page or fill out a free case review form, a law firm representative connects them with the appropriate legal professional.

Drugwatch has no knowledge of discussions between our legal partners and site visitors and does not have access to any materials provided by visitors to our legal partners.

While our legal partners fund the site, they do not control the content we publish. The opinions of Drugwatch writers and experts are not necessarily those of our legal partners. The Drugwatch editorial team chooses the topics it covers and remains responsible for the integrity, accuracy and quality of the site’s content.

The Editorial Team

The Drugwatch writing staff acts with integrity and compassion. They are career journalist and legal writers who take responsibility for the accuracy of their work.

Legal information comes from court records, government reports and interviews with expert attorneys and plaintiffs. In addition to reputable legal information sources, writers gather information on side effects and risks from peer-reviewed medical journals, published clinical trials or FDA-approved drug labels.

The Drugwatch editorial team cannot offer legal or medical advice. Content writers can, however, connect patients to resources, such as support groups, petitions and experienced drug and device lawyers. Drugwatch writers are encouraged to broaden their knowledge through online certification programs and by attending conferences.

The Drugwatch editorial team is a resource for journalists and researchers, providing original, comprehensive content as well as access to expert sources and personal stories. In-house writers and researchers are also available for interviews with members of the media.

Drugwatch Content Writers
  • Verify information before posting it
  • Use original sources when possible
  • Collect, update and correct information throughout the life of a page
  • Always attribute and identify sources clearly
  • Amplify the voices of plaintiffs
  • Serve as watchdogs over government and hold those in power accountable
  • Use sensitivity in dealing with people affected by unsafe products
  • Promptly answer questions about accuracy and clarity
  • Never deliberately misrepresent facts, distort context or oversimplify
  • Never plagiarize

Legal and Medical Experts

A Drugwatch expert or contributor can be a person who is an expert in his or her field, such as an attorney or medical professional, or someone who has firsthand knowledge of the topic at hand, such as a consumer injured by a defective product or their loved one.

Opinions of Drugwatch contributors are their own, based on their knowledge and experience, and do not automatically convey the perspective of Drugwatch. It is not Drugwatch’s practice to pay experts for their contributions, though there have been cases in which consulting fees have been paid in exchange for experts’ services.

Experts may contribute to the site by reviewing legal or medical content for accuracy, providing information and quotes for articles, or writing guest content.

Drugwatch edits guest content for grammatical errors and may choose to re-organize the content for clarity. Drugwatch may also edit for Search Engine Optimization purposes. Prior to publishing, Drugwatch will send the edited copy to the expert for approval.

Although Drugwatch does not typically pay experts for their contributions, there have been exceptions. Experts who are paid to produce articles and who write for Drugwatch on a regular basis will be asked to sign freelance and noncompete agreements and submit a 1099.

Doctors or public figures are exempt from noncompetes. Other guest contributors may receive a 1099 and freelance contract depending on how many pieces Drugwatch anticipates receiving from them.

Drugwatch legal and medical experts are respected, highly qualified professionals in their field, either legal or medical. The Drugwatch editorial team reviews experts’ resumes and credentials, including education, formal training, awards won, memberships in professional associations and reputation among clients and peers.

The team also conducts a telephone interview with each expert. During the phone call, both sides can ask questions and determine whether the relationship is a good fit.

To ensure the quality and accuracy of its medical content, Drugwatch also partners with board-certified physicians and pharmacists from independent review organizations: Physicians’ Review Network, Inc. and the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Drug Information Group. Drugwatch is also AACI certified, meaning the site follows the AACI guidelines for trusted medical content.

Experts interested in being contributors can reach Drugwatch’s editor, Emily Miller, by email at They can also reach Drugwatch through email, phone or social media.

Patients and Advocates

Drugwatch’s patient and advocate experts are considered “everyday experts.” Their personal experience with prescription drugs and medical devices provides valuable insight and firsthand knowledge. Some have formed patient support groups and have spoken at U.S. Food and Drug Administration committee meetings. Their work has been instrumental in changing laws and FDA regulations to improve patient safety.

With some exceptions, patients and advocates are not formally trained medical or legal professionals. Their personal stories are purely anecdotal and should not be considered medical or legal advice.

Topics Covered on Drugwatch

Drugwatch offers reliable information and timely updates about lawsuits involving defective drugs, medical devices and consumer products.

We understand that pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices can be beneficial and even life-saving. However, in some rare cases, they can also cause serious harm. Lawsuit information can be difficult for the average consumer to find, and manufacturers may overemphasize the benefits and downplay the risks of a drug or device.

Drugwatch provides helpful resources on U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) processes, drug and device recalls, side effects and health effects. We also offer details on lawsuits and settlements. We publish information that may be relevant to gender, age, health status and sexual orientation without discrimination.

Beyond Side Effects

Drugwatch’s “Beyond Side Effects” section of the website is dedicated to amplifying the voices of people injured by defective drugs and medical devices and their families. “Beyond Side Effects” posts may be in the form of an article written by Drugwatch or a Drugwatch Podcast.

People included in “Beyond Side Effects” have unique life experience that makes them “everyday experts.” They provide insight, compassion and humanity to others who were affected by prescription drugs and medical devices. However, these personal accounts are anecdotal and are not intended to diagnose, treat or offer medical advice on any health condition.

The Drugwatch editorial team connects with people or their loved ones through social media or email. Oftentimes, a they will reach out to Drugwatch directly. A Drugwatch writer can be the one to initiate a conversation if he or she is interested in sharing a person’s story on the website.

Drugwatch also features calls to action on its “Thank You” page and its “Beyond Side Effects” page, which allow visitors to share a story with the Drugwatch editorial team. Anything shared with Drugwatch is private.

Drugwatch does not publish submitted stories without permission from the source. A member of the Drugwatch editorial team will contact someone who has submitted a story and ask for more information as well as consent to publish the story. That person will be given the option of remaining anonymous as a measure to protect that person’s privacy.

If someone consents to have their story published on Drugwatch, the writer will interview them and may ask for medical records or other information to verify their diagnosis and story. This information is only for verification purposes and remains private.

Before publishing the content, Drugwatch allows the source to review the content and offer corrections. Drugwatch must get approval from the source before publicly releasing a story on the site.

In some cases, Drugwatch will publish a first-person account written by a plaintiff or patient. On occasion, Drugwatch writers may ask if someone who shared a story with Drugwatch would be willing to speak with a member of the media.

“Beyond Side Effects” contributors may provide photos to publish with their stories, depending on their privacy requirements. Drugwatch is committed to protecting privacy and publishes an extensive privacy policy on its website.

Drugwatch Podcast

The Drugwatch Podcast is a pre-recorded segment available on

Each podcast begins and ends with a disclaimer informing the audience that the Drugwatch Podcast does not purport to provide legal or medical advice and the opinions of the host and guests are not necessarily those of Drugwatch.

Podcast guests include legal and medical professionals, authors, plaintiffs, patients, filmmakers and industry regulators. Topics covered are at the discretion of the Drugwatch Podcast host and usually relate to lawsuits covered on The Drugwatch host is a member of the Drugwatch editorial team and will provide guests with questions prior to recording the podcast.

Each guest must consent to being recorded before the host begins recording the interview and again once the recording has started. Drugwatch will edit the podcast for clarity, for time constraints and for extraneous syllables like “um.” Edits should not be made to misrepresent facts or distort context.

A full transcript of each podcast appears with the final published audio on, and Drugwatch writers may quote featured guests in other related articles on the site.

Anyone interested in being a podcast guest can contact Senior Writer Michelle Llamas by email at


Drugwatch brings the latest recall news, safety alerts and litigation developments to the general public and answers questions about ongoing litigation related to unsafe or defective products.

All news articles include the author’s name and list of sources. Rarely, writers or editors may update news posts after the original publication date to correct erroneous or outdated information. The reason for the change or update will be noted on the post.

Drugwatch Audience

Drugwatch's audience includes, but is not limited to:
  • People who were injured by a drug, medical device, product or procedure
  • People whose loved ones were injured by a drug, medical device, product or procedure
  • People who want to find out their legal options or file a lawsuit
  • Members of the media seeking reliable information about product liability and mass tort lawsuits

Editorial Control

Drugwatch operates independently of our legal partners. We accept funding from limited advertising, but are firmly committed to ensuring that advertisers do not have any influence over the content we create and share with our readers. All editorial control remains within the Drugwatch team.

Drugwatch content writers are encouraged to pitch new story ideas.

Drugwatch's editor will approve an idea, so long as it supports Drugwatch's mission, vision and messages.
Provide help for people injured by defective drugs and medical devices.
Build a future where justice is accessible, accountability is enforced and safety is non-negotiable.
Exposing Harm. Empowering Justice. Promoting a Safer Future.

All content published on undergoes a thorough fact-checking and editing process to ensure it is accurate, reliable and the best product for our audience. The content must present information in an original manner and be relevant, interesting and useful to the audience.

Meta Data

All content on is accompanied by a meta title that supports the topic of the page. The meta title is almost always different from the page heading.

Content also includes a meta description, which is information that assists people in selecting the page from a listing of search results. The meta description should accurately reflect the page topic.


Drugwatch is assertive, advocacy-driven and authoritative, but also principled and compassionate. Our communication is often firm and unapologetic, especially when advocating for the legal rights and justice of people injured by unsafe or defective products. We aim to be a strong voice for those harmed by the negligence of others, exposing practices that violate individual rights.

While our messaging is bold and sometimes confrontational — especially in cases involving issues like wrongful death — we also emphasize knowledge, justice, and accountability. This creates a tone that is both defensive of legal rights and proactive in seeking better oversight.

In short, Drugwatch communicates with a mix of legal authority and empathetic advocacy, standing firm on principles of justice and safety.

Quotations readers should be able to assume that every word between quotation marks is what the speaker or writer said. However, the editorial team does “clean up” quotations if the grammar is unsuitable and may omit extraneous syllables like “um.” The Drugwatch team is permitted to adjust spelling, punctuation, capitalization and abbreviations within a quotation for consistent style.

A change should not be made if it would distort the context or misrepresent facts. Whenever an edit is made, both the Drugwatch writer and editor must determine that the intent of the original speaker or writer has been preserved.


Drugwatch’s preference is to do its own reporting and to verify facts through its own methods. However, when a Drugwatch content writer uses facts gathered by other organizations, such as newspapers and magazines, Drugwatch attributes them. Drugwatch does not treat other people’s reporting as its own.

Accountability and Corrections

Drugwatch writers hold themselves accountable for the accuracy of their work. Drugwatch recognizes an ethical responsibility to correct all factual errors. If Drugwatch identifies a factual error, it will correct the error. Visitors to can let staff know of a possible inaccuracy by sending an email to Managing Editor Emily Miller at

Linking Policy

Drugwatch encourages outside organizations and nonprofits to link to Drugwatch if they are high authority, reputable, health or legal in nature, and share the same vision and goals as Drugwatch.

Drugwatch may link to government websites, nonprofit pages, medical journals, support groups and other verified sources. Drugwatch does not link to competitor websites or sources that lack credibility.


Drugwatch obtains its photos from public records or iStock, an online, royalty-free stock photography provider. Drugwatch only uses photos that fall under creative commons licenses and does not use photos labeled “not for profit.”

Drugwatch will not take or use photos from a person’s social media account without permission. It will only publish photos of patients, experts and other Drugwatch sources or contributors when given permission in writing.

Drugwatch’s design team also creates original graphics and images for its pages. These are the property of Drugwatch and should not be reproduced without permission and attribution.


Drugwatch is dedicated to protecting visitors’ privacy. Visitors may voluntarily provide information requested on the site such as name, address, telephone number and email address. This information is only used to provide visitors with the service they requested, such as a free case review.

Although Drugwatch may use a visitor’s email address to send news or information about Drugwatch services, the site will not share any personal information with a third party unless the visitor authorizes it. For more detailed information, please review Drugwatch’s privacy policy.

Social Media

Drugwatch employees are allowed to associate themselves with Drugwatch when posting on social media, but they must clearly brand their online posts as personal and purely their own. Drugwatch should not be held liable for any outcomes the employees’ personal social media posts may generate.

Content pertaining to sensitive Drugwatch information should not be shared on social media. Disclosing financial, operational and legal information or information that may violate the trust of patients who confide in Drugwatch is prohibited.

Employees should observe proper copyright and reference laws when posting online. Drugwatch does not tolerate dishonorable content such as racial, ethnic, sexual, religious or physical disability slurs.

Visitors to are invited to share Drugwatch content on social media and with their communities. Any republishing of Drugwatch content should be properly attributed to Drugwatch, preferably with a link to the original content.

Drugwatch’s editorial policy was drafted using principles adopted and published by reputable media organizations, including the Society of Professional Journalists and The New York Times.

Please seek the advice of a medical professional before making health care decisions.