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Our Network of Experts

Drugwatch’s experts are trusted authorities in their fields, and they contribute to the accuracy, quality and integrity of our content. Our experts include award-winning legal professionals and renowned medical practitioners. We also feature patient advocates whose personal experiences with drugs and medical devices inspire them to fight to improve public safety. Our experts share Drugwatch’s mission to help people injured by unsafe products and many have worked with us for several years.

Legal Experts

Drugwatch’s legal experts are award-winning trial lawyers and pharmaceutical litigation specialists with decades of experience in complex civil litigation. The attorneys who work with us have helped win over a billion dollars in settlements and jury verdicts for thousands of clients.

Drugwatch works only with experts who have impeccable credentials in their field to provide you with expertise and authority you can trust. We vet each expert using criteria in the following areas: education, formal training, credentials, membership in professional societies, objectivity and reputation with clients and peers.

Legal Awards, Honors and Professional Societies

Our legal experts have won esteemed industry awards for exceptional performance and are members of highly regarded professional organizations. Their fellow lawyers have voted them among some of the best in the nation and professional societies and associations with strict standards back each expert’s accreditation and board certifications. The information provided by our legal experts is accurate, objective, verifiable and evidence-based.

Medical Reviewers and Contributors

Our medical reviewers and contributors have decades of experience in their fields. Their accomplishments include published articles in peer-reviewed medical journals and textbooks, speaking engagements at medical conferences, various awards and prestigious research grants from organizations such as the National Institutes of Health. Some have held leadership positions in professional medical organizations and faculty positions at universities.

Hospital, University and Professional Society Affiliations

Our medical experts are affiliated with top hospitals, universities and professional societies.

Patients and Advocates

Ordinary people can make an extraordinary impact when they are driven to share their stories and fight for others. Drugwatch collaborates with patients and advocates who have had personal experiences with drugs and medical devices that drive them to spread awareness. Advocates have worked with Congress and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to strengthen regulations and sponsor bills and legislation to make drugs and medical devices safer.

Their testimonies before the FDA have influenced the agency to issue warnings about dangerous side effects and helped to get harmful medical devices off the market. The first-hand experience of advocates adds authenticity and personal authority to the site.

Drugwatch vets our advocates based on their personal experience and positive reputation. We verify personal stories and ensure that all medical information or diagnoses presented in these stories have been provided by a medical professional or evidence-based research.

Some of our patients and advocates also hold professional legal or medical degrees and belong to organizations that add to their credibility.

Public Health Agencies and Patient Advocacy Groups

Our patient advocates have worked with national organizations and founded advocacy groups to spread awareness and advocate for patients’ rights. Some are current and former consultants or special government employees with the FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Please seek the advice of a medical professional before making health care decisions.