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Tepezza Side Effects

Patients taking Tepezza frequently report fatigue, headaches, menstrual disorders, brittle nails and hearing impairment. Serious side effects include hearing loss, infusion reactions and hyperglycemia. The drug may also aggravate inflammatory bowel disease.

Last Modified: February 6, 2025
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Most Recent Tepezza Side Effects Information

As of September 2024, the most common Tepezza side effects reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration were muscle spasms, fatigue, hearing loss and tinnitus.
These four side effects accounted for more than half of all adverse event reports to the FDA.

Most Commonly Reported Tepezza Side Effects, FAERS
  • Muscle Spasms: 19.74%
  • Fatigue: 13.91%
  • Hearing Loss: 8.31%
  • Tinnitus: 9.08%
  • All Other Side Effects: 47.96%

FAERS data shows that muscle spasms and fatigue are the most likely adverse reactions to Tepezza. Other reactions include hearing disorders such as tinnitus and hearing loss. Tinnitus is a persistent ringing in one or both ears. Patients taking Tepezza should note any new or worsening conditions to determine if they are related to the infusions.

FDA Adverse Events Reporting System (FAERS) Data for Tepezza Side Effects
Total cases reported4,033
Serious cases (including deaths)1,361
Source: FAERS Database

Disclaimer: Reports sent to the FDA don’t necessarily mean the drug caused an adverse event. Consult a health care professional before stopping or changing medication.

A 2024 study in Cureus followed a small group of patients through an entire course of infusions. It noted hair loss and new or increased dry eye, fatigue, brittle nails and dry mouth as the most common side effects. These occurred in over 50% of patients. Over 30% had tinnitus, dizziness, stomach issues or high blood sugar. Hearing loss affected just over 28% of study participants.

Tepezza is a relatively new medication that received fast-tracked FDA approval in 2020 after limited studies on its long-term side effects. The FDA added label warnings about hypoglycemia in December 2022 and hearing impairment in July 2023.

FDA Warnings and Actions

The FDA updated Tepezza packaging with safety information and warnings three times. The first update added information on fetal harm, infusion reactions, high blood sugar and worsening existing IBD symptoms.

In December 2022, the agency required additional information about hyperglycemia. Specifically, prescribing information now includes instructions to check patients for elevated blood glucose levels before and during treatment.

In July 2023, the manufacturer added another warning about hearing loss. The update urges health care providers to counsel patients about this risk.

These are standard warnings included on Tepezza’s label. The FDA currently requires no boxed warnings for adverse effects.

Common Side Effects

Clinical trials showed that muscle spasms and nausea were the most common side effects of Tepezza infusions. These occurred in 17% or more of the study participants. Many common Tepezza side effects are mild and do not require treatment discontinuation.

Occurrence Rates of Common Side Effects
  • Muscle spasms (25%)
  • Nausea (17%)
  • Alopecia (13%)
  • Diarrhea (12%)
  • Fatigue (12%)
  • Hyperglycemia (10%)
  • Hearing impairment (10%)

Other common symptoms, reported by 5% to 8% of participants, include changes in their sense of taste, headache, dry skin, weight loss and nail disorders such as brittle nails.

There was also a significant rate of menstrual disorders. Approximately 23% of menstruating people taking Tepezza as part of the study experienced period irregularities. This included breakthrough bleeding and skipped or painful periods, compared to 4% of those taking a placebo.

Serious Side Effects

Hearing loss is a common and serious side effect associated with Tepezza. Hearing impairment and other ear-related problems occurred in 10% of clinical study participants.

Approximately 10% of study participants receiving Tepezza infusions developed hyperglycemia, which is high blood sugar. This is compared to 1% of participants receiving a placebo. Approximately 4% of patients also experienced infusion reactions.

Possible Severe Reactions
  • Hearing impairment
  • High blood sugar levels
  • Infusion reaction

If this occurs, you may need to discontinue its use. Discuss this possibility with your doctor before starting Tepezza so you can develop an appropriate monitoring program.
Tepezza has several potentially serious side effects that can lead to permanent damage. You should report any severe adverse effects to your health care provider immediately. Additionally, mild or moderate symptoms that last more than a few days after an infusion may need medical attention.

Infusion Reactions

According to the prescribing information, infusion reactions affected about 4% of Tepezza patients. They can develop during the infusion or up to 1.5 hours after.

Infusion Reaction Symptoms
  • Feeling hot
  • Headache
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Muscle pain
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Shortness of breath

These symptoms are generally mild to moderate. Antihistamines and corticosteroids are the preferred treatment option. If you have an infusion reaction, you may need to take preventative medications before future treatments to prevent it from happening again. Slower infusion rates may also help.

Hearing Loss and Hearing Impairment

Tepezza’s initial trials found hearing loss or tinnitus in about 10% of the study participants. Since then, newer research has built upon existing data connecting Tepezza with hearing loss. For example, a data review published in Cureus in 2024 showed that as many as 65% of patients may experience some hearing loss or other ear-related side effects from Tepezza.

Lawsuits filed by or on behalf of patients who experienced hearing loss allege the manufacturer failed to adequately warn them of the risk. Judges combined these Tepezza lawsuits into a multidistrict litigation in June 2023.

Horizon Therapeutics added a warning about hearing loss to Tepezza packaging in July 2023.

“Tepezza may cause severe hearing impairment including hearing loss, which in some cases may be permanent.”

Some patients reported ear-related symptoms other than hearing loss when taking Tepezza. These may present as tinnitus, echoing or the feeling of ears being plugged. Symptoms often resolve after discontinuing Tepezza, but hearing loss can become permanent in severe cases.

Having a baseline hearing test done before taking Tepezza is a good idea. This can help identify any deficiencies that may develop and monitor for a return to normal after stopping the medication.

Case Study: Hearing Loss After Teprotumumab Therapy

A woman in her 50s with thyroid eye disease was treated with teprotumumab, the active ingredient in Tepezza, to treat the condition. Despite its benefits, a 2022 research article in BMJ Case Reports CP showed that some teprotumumab patients experienced hearing loss.


After getting the third dose, the patient said she heard ringing in her ears. When she took the fifth dose, she had a lot of trouble hearing. Tests showed that her hearing got worse.


The doctors immediately stopped teprotumumab. However, when they checked her hearing six weeks later, there was still no improvement. The authors said it appeared her hearing loss was permanent. She would need to continue regular hearing check-ups and might need to use hearing aids.


The authors stressed the importance of being aware of the possibility of permanent hearing loss when using teprotumumab. They advised that patients receiving this treatment have their hearing checked regularly before, during, and after the therapy. This is to catch any signs of hearing problems as early as possible.

Editor Lindsay Donaldson contributed to this article.

Please seek the advice of a medical professional before making health care decisions.